Laboratory of Plant Environmental Adaptation

学部3年 7名研究業績
Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2022) Brassinosteroids are required for efficient root tip regeneration in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnol. 39, 73-78.
Zhang X, Nomoto M, Garcia-León M, Takahashi N, Kato M, Yura K, Umeda M, Rubio V, Tada Y, Furumoto T, Aoyama T, Tsuge T. (2022) CFI 25 subunit of cleavage factor I is important for maintaining the diversity of 3′ UTR lengths in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Plant Cell Physiol. 63, 369-383.
Inada N, Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2021) Arabidopsis thaliana subclass I ACTIN DEPOLYMERIZING FACTORs and vegetative ACTIN2/8 are novel regulators of endoreplication. J. Plant Res. 134, 1291-1300.
Takahashi N, Inagaki S, Nishimura K, Sakakibara H, Antoniadi I, Karady M, Ljung K, Umeda M. (2021) Alterations in hormonal signals spatially coordinate distinct responses to DNA double-strand breaks in Arabidopsis roots. Sci. Adv. 7, eabg0993.
Zhang XL, Wu Q, Tao Y, Zhu XF, Takahashi N, Umeda M, Shen RF, Ma JF. (2021) ANAC044 is associated with P reutilization in P deficient Arabidopsis thaliana root cell wall in an ethylene dependent manner. Environ. Exp. Bot. 185, 104386.
Watanabe S, Takahashi N, Kanno Y, Suzuki H, Aoi Y, Takeda-Kamiya N, Toyooka K, Kasahara H, Hayashi KI, Umeda M, Seo M. (2020) The Arabidopsis NRT1/PTR FAMILY protein NPF7.3/NRT1.5 is an indole-3-butyric acid transporter involved in root gravitropism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117, 31500-31509.
Yoshiyama KO, Aoshima N, Takahashi N, Sakamoto T, Hiruma K, Saijo Y, Hidema J, Umeda M, Kimura S. (2020) SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 acts as a regulator coordinating crosstalk between DNA damage response and immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 103, 321-340.
Takahashi N, Ogita N, Takahashi T, Taniguchi S, Tanaka M, Seki M, Umeda M. (2019) A regulatory module controlling stress-induced cell cycle arrest in Arabidopsis. eLife 8, e43944.
Ogita N, Okushima Y, Tokizawa M, Yamamoto YY, Tanaka M, Seki M, Makita Y, Matsui M, Okamoto-Yoshiyama K, Sakamoto T, Kurata T, Hiruma K, Saijo Y, Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2018) Identifying the target genes of SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1, a master transcription factor controlling DNA damage response in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 94, 439-453.
Chen P, Takatsuka H, Takahashi N, Kurata R, Fukao Y, Kobayashi K, Ito M, Umeda M. (2017) Arabidopsis R1R2R3-Myb proteins are essential for inhibiting cell division in response to DNA damage. Nat Commun. 8, 635.
Davis OM, Ogita N, Inagaki S, Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2016) DNA damage inhibits lateral root formation by up-regulating cytokinin biosynthesis genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genes Cells 21, 1195-1208.
Weimer AK, Biedermann S, Harashima H, Roodbarkelari F, Takahashi N, Foreman J, Guan Y, Pochon G, Heese M, Van Damme D, Sugimoto K, Koncz C, Doerner P, Umeda M, Schnittger A. (2016) The plant-specific CDKB1-CYCB1 complex mediates homologous recombination repair in Arabidopsis. EMBO J. 35, 2068-2086.
Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L. (2014) The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species. Plant Cell 26, 296-309.
Takahashi N, Kajihara T, Okamura C, Kim Y, Katagiri Y, Okushima Y, Matsunaga S, Hwang I, Umeda M. (2013) Cytokinins control endocycle onset by promoting the expression of an APC/C activator in Arabidopsis roots. Curr Biol. 23, 1812-1817.
Takahashi N, Kong S, Umeda M. (2013) Dof transcription factors control the expression of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome activator CCS52A1. Plant Biotech. 30, 407-410.
Noir S, Bömer M, Takahashi N, Ishida T, Tsui TL, Balbi V, Shanahan H, Sugimoto K, Devoto A. (2013) Jasmonate controls leaf growth by repressing cell proliferation and the onset of endoreduplication while maintaining a potential stand-by mode. Plant Physiol. 161, 1930-1951.
Kuroda H, Yanagawa Y, Takahashi N, Horii Y, Matsui M. (2012) A comprehensive analysis of interaction and localization of Arabidopsis SKP1-like (ASK) and F-box (FBX) proteins. PLoS One 7, e50009.
Breuer C, Morohashi K, Kawamura A, Takahashi N, Ishida T, Umeda M, Grotewold E, Sugimoto K. (2012) Transcriptional repression of the APC/C activator CCS52A1 promotes active termination of cell growth. EMBO J. 31, 4488-4501.
Hamasaki H, Yoshizumi T, Takahashi N, Higuchi M, Kuromori T, Imura Y, Shimada H, Matsui M. (2012) SD3, an Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of TIM21, affects intracellular ATP levels and seedling development. Mol. Plant 5, 461-471.
Kumar S, Yoshizumi T, Hongo H, Yoneda A, Hara H, Hamasaki H, Takahashi N, Nagata N, Shimada H, Matsui M. (2012) Arabidopsis mitochondrial protein TIM50 affects hypocotyl cell elongation through intracellular ATP level. Plant Sci. 183, 212-217.
Cools T, Iantcheva A, Weimer AK, Boens S, Takahashi N, Maes S, Van den Daele H, Van Isterdael G, Schnittger A, De Veylder L. (2011) The Arabidopsis thaliana checkpoint kinase WEE1 protects against premature vascular differentiation during replication stress. Plant Cell 23, 1435-1448.
Shimada H, Obayashi T, Takahashi N, Matsui M, Sakamoto A. (2010) Normalization using ploidy and genomic DNA copy number allows absolute quantification of transcripts, proteins and metabolites in cells. Plant Methods 6, 29.
Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L. (2010) The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair. PLoS Genet. 6, e1000817.
Takahashi N, Lammens T, Boudolf V, Maes S, Yoshizumi T, De Jaeger G, Witters E, Inzé D, De Veylder L. (2008) The DNA replication checkpoint aids survival of plants deficient in the novel replisome factor ETG1. EMBO J. 27, 1840-1851.
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M (2005) shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels. Plant J. 42, 13-22.
Takase T, Nakazawa M, Ishikawa A, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Takahashi N, Shimada H, Manabe K, Matsui M. (2004) ydk1-D, an auxin-responsive GH3 mutant that is involved in hypocotyl and root elongation. Plant J 37, 471-483.
Takahashi N, Kuroda H, Kuromori T, Hirayama T, Seki M, Shinozaki K, Shimada H, Matsui M. (2004) Expression and interaction analysis of Arabidopsis Skp1-related genes. Plant Cell Physiol 45, 83-91.
Kuroda H, Takahashi N, Shimada H, Seki M, Shinozaki K, Matsui M. (2002) Classification and expression analysis of Arabidopsis F-box-containing protein genes. Plant Cell Physiol 43, 1073-1085.
Shimotohno A, Aki SS, Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2021) Regulation of the plant cell cycle in response to hormones and the environment. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 72, 273-296.
高橋直紀, 梅田正明(2020)ストレスに応答した植物の細胞周期停止機構. 植物科学最前線(BSJ-review)11, 3-11.
Umeda M, Aki SS, Takahashi N. (2019) Gap 2 phase: making the fundamental decision to divide or not. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 51, 1-6.
高橋直紀, 梅田正明(2016)根端メリステムのサイズ制御機構. 植物科学最前線(BSJ-review)7, 201-209.
高橋直紀, 梅田正明(2014)植物のDNA損傷応答. 生物と科学 54, 123-129.
Takahashi N, Umeda M. (2014) Cytokinins promote onset of endoreplication by controlling cell cycle machinery. Plant Signal. Behav. 9, e29396.